Friday, May 23, 2008

Comps part I

After 8 hours of typing for part one of my written exam, this will be short.

Although someone left me an earring on the desk where I took my comps, I did not have to use it to jab my eyes out half way through. I feel that I did OK, but have some refreshing to do before orals in two weeks.

So here's what I did today. I rode into school. I picked up a computer and set it next to my lunches, water and snacks. I typed for 8 hours to answer 6 questions. 8000+ words and 12+ single spaced pages (that's almost 17 words per minute, which also included a little time to think and eat... OK, that's not great typing). I'm going home now. I need to get ready for part two next week. There are 7 questions next week... I hope the earring is still there.

1 comment:

Emily A. said...

Ahh..its torture now, but just wait till I call you Dr. H**t. Maybe then it will be worth it? Keep up the good work! You can do it!