Saturday, September 13, 2008


Since Sans is sleeping and the boys are entertaining themselves, I'm taking over. We have taken a few good photos, so I wanted to share them...

Here are all the peaches from our tree this year. I was impressed because it is only our peach tree's second season. There will be lots more tomatoes; these, I made into spaghetti sauce.

We all went to the park today. Here is Mugwump.

and Jaguar. He LOVES standing. He's getting good at it, too. Only 7 months old! Yikes, we're in for it with him.
A nice shot of Mugwump.

Have a great day!


Donnell Allan said...

Your haul of peaches is an inspiration and the tomatoes are gorgeous.

And, of course, your little boys are, as always, adorable.

I'm glad you shared!

Emily A. said...

Holy cow awesome! I love the foods. And your boys are incredible. I miss you guys so much. I almost have your present done.

G, if you get this in your email box please tell Aly the present I am making for her is almost done. Its taken a long time because it took a lot of planning and research!

Heather said...

Very cute photos, and I'm impressed at how many tomatoes and peaches you got! Yum!

Anonymous said...

what kind of names is mugwump sixpence and jaguar. What did your kids do to you?

Anonymous said...

what kind of names is mugwump sixpence and jaguar. What did your kids do to you?

Garrett said...

The names are nicknames given by their great-grandfather that we use to have some anonymity.