After a couple of voting blogs, and missed pictures I thought today would be a little lighter. (But first a little more momentum for voting) Don't vote for styrofoam peanutes, they just fill landfills and ruin the environment in their production. Instead get the corn starch peanuts.
We recently got a package full of these peanuts and my wife discovered that if you lick them, they stick together quite nicely and can be used as a construction material. (Dear, what were you doing licking the packaging?)
Anyway, my wife started family night by building a cabin from corn-starch peanuts.
The car wasn't good enough for the Mugwump, he insisted on improvement and he ended up with a "packed firetruck". I don't know what it means to have a packed firetruck, but that's what he said it was, and I certainly was in no possition to argue with him because I couldn't tell what it was. Oh, and the Mugwump is potty trained! Most of the time he just strolls right into the bathroom, takes care of businness and we never know... except there's no mess. Well, no mess, except he's really NO GOOD at wiping. How do you teach a kid that? At this point we ask if he pooped and if he says yes he knows to turn around and drop his pants for the poop check. (He hasn't passed one yet). Sometimes I wish he were just a little less independent.
Otherwise, Sixpence is learning to talk he's mastered "Da" and can say "mamamamama" Although verbally he is quite simple, he is very good at getting his point accross.
Not a great picture, but this is the Mugwump trying to sabbatage my bicycle. This is quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever built. I never liked art class because my things never quite turned out how I had imagined them. I think this is partly due to a lack of tallent, but now I'm realizing that they hadn't supplied me with the right materials. I could have built anything with corn-starch peanuts. I've been thinking about submitting my bike to a museum, but I'm afraid to take it outside or it might get wet and dissolve.
For the record, Sixpence was eating one and I took it away and put it back in the box. Then I noticed that it stuck to those around it. Voila, a new art was born.
SURE...Blame it on the baby, he can't defend himself after all!
Just FYI those cornstarch packing peanuts make great targets for little boys when learning to pee standing up. Since they disolve, they are
Lol! That corn starch bicycle is amazing! Your computer is dying? It summons me to action!!! How can I help? I must be allowed to help. Please....?
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