Thursday, January 4, 2007

Voting in life

I recognize that my last post was a little long, but I have more to say. Not only do we vote with everything that we buy, we vote in every action that we make. From a religious perspective, we are accountable for our actions. That doesn't mean that we "earn" our way to heaven, but if we know that something is wrong and we do it anyway it is a sin. The scriptures councel us not to sin.

So every time you go to Walmart and buy a cheap toy built by child labor in China, you are voting for child labor, inequality between social classes and filling landfills (those toys never last). You are accountable for the decisions that you make and although I don't think you are condemned to eternity in hell for shopping at Walmart, you are accountable and that will need to be taken care of... and I have no idea how that will transpire.

Every time that you drive your car to the end of the driveway (or to a nearby store) you are being lazy and polluting the earth that God gave us. Certainly we will be accountable for those decisions.

Every time you unnecissarily raise your voice at your children, or anyone else for that matter, you will be accountable. We are responsible for the decisions we make and we can make a difference by "voting" according to the laws set forth in the scriptures.

I also want to point out that choices aren't always that easy. I try to look like a big shot that makes all the right decisions, but sometimes we must choose between the best of several evils. I don't buy organic or locally as often as I would like. I'm a college student and really can't afford to. I'm ashamed of that (I'm ashamed of not buying organic, I'm not ashamed of being a student or being poor) and hope to change that in the future (by starting to buy locally). Anyway, situations often make choices more difficult. That is no excuse to not make good decisions, but sometimes bad decisions are the only decisions that we can afford or that our situation allows. They are still bad decisions and should be recognized as such. We're not perfect and that is why we have a Savior.


Anonymous said...

True that. Those are some heavy words. Luckily, we don't have to trouble ourselves with such weighty decisions constantly. We can form habits of character that allow us to live free from constant worry about our every day decisions. One thing I always like to keep in mind when I think about all of the things i could be doing better is that ultimately, all that matters is how we treat people and what we do to express God's love and character, through our actions, to those around us. We can save the enviroment, or chinese laborers, through actions of conscience, and deliberate daily decisions, but even more importantly, we can have Christ like love for those around us. It is love and obedience the God's eternal laws that matter most, and that is why the gospel of Jesus Christ brings peace. We do our best and he makes up the rest. This one truth is wonderful simplicity in itself and much easier for me to comprehend and digest on a daily basis than whether or not I am eating the exactly right diet, or whether or not my choice to drive my car to work is going to change the world. I admire your abbility to think of the gospel and the weightier matters of life on a daily basis. You are on a higher plain than I am because i can only handle so much before I go crazy.

peddlinshutterbug said...

I agree... It is not a matter of any single one of us changing the world, but like Jesus, we are only asked to impact those around us and there will be a ripple effect...i'm also just a pebble tossed into the sea...but in the aggregate we can make a difference..Emily I like your quote, "We do our best and He makes up the rest." that reminds me of a friend who likened our walk and our efforts to the tiny child's piano that, no matter which keys you push, the piano still plays the same tune. Our efforts do count to God, and it is a comfort to know that He is allowing us to be used of Him.